Social Marketing

Providing high-quality, affordable contraceptive products and sexual and reproductive healthcare products.

About Social Marketing

MSI uses social marketing to ensure that people have an option to buy high-quality, affordable contraceptive products and sexual and reproductive healthcare products in a location that's convenient. This includes the distribution of affordable contraceptive pills, emergency contraceptive pills and other health products through pharmacies, community-based distributors and other private providers. In the most rural and remote regions of the country, people can experience great difficulty trying to access short term and emergency contraception. Social marketing brings short term and emergency contraceptive methods closer to the client. It also provides an opportunity to offer information and referrals to our other services for clients interested in switching to long-acting methods.

Call now to consult with qualified doctors for your contraceptive needs in private and confidentially

09 89 333 2233
09 43111 0000

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